The Domestic Pagans Cottage

Merry Meet

New Alter Decor & more October 14, 2011

Filed under: Pagan — torip3 @ 8:53 pm

Even since I read that blog about rethinking rituals I have been rethinking a lot of things. I did some cleaning and rearranging today. Just out of the blue. Just got up and started doing it. The end result was amazing. For me anyways. And thats what matters.


  I decluttered my family alter. It was FULL of Fall decor and Magickal type “tools”. I made it a lot more personal. Its more of a Fall/Samhain alter now.  Ijust followed what felt right to me. I ended up rearranging a few more areas after this.


 This is above my computer on my desk. I have had it cluttered before with different decorations.  But I cleared it and made it work for me. I LOVE how this came out.

  This is in my bathroom. I just threw this together, It wasn’t planned. I just started putting things on it that represented Fall and Samhain to me and this what I ended up with. The basket is holding leaves, nuts and stuff from outside. And the Owl in the back bleonged to my great grandmother. Seemed fitting for Samhain.





Goddess statue/candle holder

Filed under: Frugal Living,Pagan — torip3 @ 8:35 pm



Found this really awesome goddess statue/candle holder at GoodWill for like $2! Can you believe it. Isn’t it gorgeous. It sits on top my desk wher I can see it all the time.


Pinecone Hanging decor

Filed under: Craft Time — torip3 @ 8:33 pm


Simple Pinecone Hanging decor. I collected a bunch of pinecones so the kids could make bird feeders out of them. I ended up with way more than I needed so I decided to use them as decoration around the house.  I just hung them from a stick. They look very Fallish. And I love it!


Energy in Objects

Filed under: Journal,Pagan — torip3 @ 2:46 pm

Do you believe in channeling energy (either your own or from other sources) into objects for a goal or purpose?

Yeap! Definately. I believe Channeling Energy is a big part of my practice. It has a huge impact on everything. I hae be careful because I sometimes channel negative energy. Its not something I do intentionally but it is something I am working on controlling. One of my greatest strenghts is channeling.  

Do you conduct rituals to charge objects (with moonlight, water, salts, etc)?

Sometimes I will do a specific ritual to charge a specific object, but not always. Its just a natural part of my life. I don’t need to set up a ritual to cast a circle, call the Gods, and charge an object. I usually have a direct line to the Gods and cast a circle anytime, anywhere.

Is the world just a bunch of energy, that we are moving and bending to our will (magic)?
There is lots of energy floating around in the world, but we need to work with it, have a give and take relationship with it all in order to use it properly. Its all about balance.


*These blog questions came from Pagan Blog Prompts.  The answers are my own. How do you feel about these questions?